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💖CanTone參與ONE Centre多元文化活動 設遊戲攤位推廣廣東話學習📱📚

Writer: CanToneCanTone

🎉🎈在12/8的這一天,我們CanTone有幸參加了 #ONECentre#油尖旺多元文化活動中心 舉辦的活動,並設置了一個遊戲攤位向參與的少數族裔人士推廣我們的 #CanToneApp !📲

😊🙌我們衷心感謝ONE Centre給我們這麼難得的機會💖這次活動我們收穫良多,非常高興能參與其中,和大家一起分享我們的產品👨‍👩‍👧‍👦來自不同族裔背景的大人小孩們都在我們攤位上體驗了CanTone App 📱

透過這次活動讓我們有機會更深入了解到社區的需求和反饋,我們會將這些寶貴的經驗反饋到我們的產品改進中,讓CanTone App 能夠更好地服務所有人🙏💕


💌🤝🏻任何類型的活動包括 #攤位#展覽#故事班 #講座分享 等均歡迎合作!

📧 電郵

📲 WhatsApp:62267558 Ms Janice


🎉 On August 12th, we participated in an event organized by ONE Centre at the Yau Tsim Mong Multicultural Activity Centre. We showcased our CanTone App through a game booth, promoting it to the ethnic minorities participants! 📲

😊🙌We are very grateful to ONE Centre for the opportunity. This event was a fruitful experience for us, providing valuable insights into community needs and feedback. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 We will use these valuable insights to improve the CanTone App and better serve all users. 🙏💕

We look forward to meeting everyone again at future events and sharing the joy of learning Cantonese together! 🌈🎉

💌If any organizations are interested in any collaborating, feel free to contact us at any time!

📧 Email:

📲 WhatsApp: 62267558 Ms Janice

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