🎉📚CanTone故事班回來了!9月21日CanTone將與 M.E.L.T. Centre 合作舉辦免費中文故事班給少數族裔K2-K3的小朋友! 🌟第二階段CanTone故事班更增設手作環節,令課程更添趣味! 🗓️ 日期:21/9(星期四) ⏰ 時間:15:00-16:00 👥 名額:10-12個 📍 地點:M.E.L.T. Centre 📝 查詢:WhatsApp 62267558 Ms Janice ⭐ 參加者將獲得由CanTone頒發的證書以及禮物 如其他機構有興趣合作,歡迎隨時與我們聯繫:info@cantonehk.com 📩 ————————— 🎉📚CanTone Storytelling Class is back! On Sep 21, CanTone will be collaborating with the M.E.L.T. Centre to host a free Chinese storytelling class for K2 to K3 ethnic minority kids! 🌟 The second phase of the CanTone Storytelling Class will now include a new DIY handicraft session, making the class even more fun and engaging! 🗓️ Dates: 21/9 (Thursday) ⏰ Time: 15:00-16:00 👥 Quota: 10-12 📍 Venue: M.E.L.T. Centre 📝 Contact: WhatsApp 62267558 Ms Janice For enquiry/collaboration, please contact us at: info@cantonehk.com 📩 🌈
#CanToneApp #cantonehk #廣東話 #Cantonese #Storytelling #少數族裔 #EthnicMinorities #語言學習 #LanguageLearning #CanTone港通 #CanTone故事班