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💛🌕 CanTone很高興將於9月16日再次與明愛賽馬會黃大仙青少年綜合服務合作為少數族裔小朋友舉行中秋主題中文班🏮💛

Writer's picture: CanToneCanTone


1️⃣認識中秋節的由來及文化 + 猜燈謎


3️⃣用CanTone App學習中秋節相關詞句及對話⭐

🗓️ 日期:16/9(星期一)

⏰ 時間:5:00-6:30

📍 地點:明愛賽馬會黃大仙青少年綜合服務

📝 查詢:WhatsApp 62267558 Miss Janice

⭐ 參加者將獲得由CanTone頒發的證書以及禮物


📞 電話:62267558 Miss Janice


🌕CanTone will be collaborating with @caritas_wtsit_emteam for Mid-Autumn CanTonese Class for Ethnic Minority Kids on 16 Sep💖


1️⃣ Learning about Mid-Autumn Festival 🎑

2️⃣ Lantern DIY🏮

3️⃣ Learning Mid-Autumn Festival related vocab and scenario⭐

🗓️ Date: September 16 (Monday)

⏰ Time: 5:00-6:30

📍 Location: Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service For Young People - Wong Tai Sin

📝 Inquiry: WhatsApp 62267558 Miss Janice

⭐ Participants will receive a certificate and a gift

If any organizations are interested in collaboration, please feel free to contact: 📩

Organized by 主辦機構 | CanTone 港.通 @cantonehk

Funded by 撥款資助 | SIE Fund 社創基金 @siefundhk

Incubated by 項目培訓 | Oxfam Grant4Good 樂施會 無窮實現室 @oxfamhongkong

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