🗓️ 日期:28/1(星期日)
⏰ 時間:14:30-16:00
📍 地點:B Square by NAAC
📝 查詢:62267558 Ms Janice
⭐ 參加者將獲得由CanTone頒發的證書以及禮物
📲 WhatsApp:62267558 Ms Janice
🧧Busy but happy week! CanTone will be collaborating with B Square by NAAC for Chinese New Year Cantonese Class for Ethnic Minority Kids on 28 Jan❤️!
2️⃣ Handcrafting🖍️
3️⃣ Learn about Chinese New Year Vocabularies📱
🗓️ Date: 28 Jan (Sunday)
⏰ Time: 14:30-16:00
📍 Location: B Square by NAAC
📝 Inquiry: 62267558 Ms Janice
⭐ Participants will receive a certificate and a gift
If any organizations are interested in collaboration, please feel free to contact: info@cantonehk.com 📩